Treatment for Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow

What you need to know about Tennis Elbow VS. Golfer’s Elbow.

Tennis and Golfer’s elbow describes injuries to the elbow, often due to either overuse or exposure to load that the muscles/tendons that insert into the bony prominence on either side of the elbow were not yet prepared for- either intensity or volume. These injuries can heal on their own over the course of a few weeks, but sometimes, symptoms persist and treatment may be appropriate to reduce symptoms and promote healing.

Here’s a little breakdown of each condition:

Tennis Elbow:

*applies to all pickleball players out there too!

Tennis Elbow is also known as LATERAL epicondylitis -an overuse injury that results in inflammation of the tendons that attach to the outside of the elbow. With repeated use, consistent pulling on the bone to which the tendon attaches (the lateral epicondyle) causes pain. Anyone who performs repetitive activities with their hands is prone to Tennis Elbow. Raking, gardening and cutting wood can cause Tennis Elbow as well. 

What are the symptoms? - pain radiating from the outside of the elbow to the forearm + wrist - constant ache in elbow area, or while performing activities that involve reaching, grasping, or lifting.

Golfer’s Elbow:

Golfer's Elbow is known as MEDIAL epicondylitis - which is irritation on the inner side of the arm and elbow. It can be caused by activities that require repeated twisting or flexing of the wrist. Activities such as gardening, shoveling, and playing golf can cause this. Repeated lifting when the elbow is extended and the palm is facing down is also a potential cause. 

What are the symptoms? - pain with the above activities - pain when twisting forearm or making a fist - area is swollen + tender to touch - stiffness in elbow and weakness in hands and the wrist happens if the injury persists for too long.

So what can you do about these annoying symptoms? There are options! Sometimes self-directed care like ice, heat and stretching can reduce pain. Bracing may help in some cases. Physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and exercise are also great ways to reduce pain and improve function so you can get back to playing the games you love!

[Check out this video for a few wrist and elbow strengthening exercises that can help!]

At OC Well Studio, we treat tennis and golfer's elbow with a combination of manual therapy, trigger point acupuncture and rehab exercises. If you are still unclear about which treatment you might need, give your Orange County chiropractor a call at (949) 300-2028 or book online for a consultation and Dr. Pierce can get you the treatment you need right away!


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